A friend once said to me, “Sarah, you’re one of the most direct people I’ve ever met.” Well, this year, I’ve embraced that! So I’ll start out with the elephant in the room. My life finally REALLY changed in March when a physician I had only known for about 2 minutes asked me an equally direct question: “Is he always…
Author: Sarah
Today I’m gonna try and change the world
Well, since it’s been a year since I’ve written anything, I have a lot to say!
Au Revoir, Arrivederci, Adios, Goodbye 2021
I’m pretty sure I can say that I’ve never looked forward to turning the calendar page quite as much as I am this year. 2021, can we just agree to part as friends?? Like a lot of relationships, there was some good – but it’s been struggle and I need to move on. So with that, lets recap. In January,…
Now I’ve had the time of my life… 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮
There isn’t a lot about being an adult that lives up to our childhood expectations. But one thing – which would be to my serious childhood amazement – is my relationship with my sister. When we were little we didn’t exactly have the best sister relationship. She liked to boss me around. Take, for example, our 3-month road trips that…
COVID Diaries Week # … is anybody even counting anymore?!*
Lets see, when we left off in late March, COVID had just arrived. Which really seems like a lifetime ago. Overnight, life seemed to change for everybody. Everybody, that is, except for people who are introverts, like me. There hasn’t been a whole lot in my day-to-day that has had to change. Hailey and I still cherish our routine of…
My COVID Diaries
Well, 2020 was off to a great start! Paul’s quadricep tendon was healing after his Christmas surgery (in spite, as his doctor noted, of him ignoring everything she told him to do) and I was in a groove both in my professional and personal life. As he was starting to feel a better – as in, generally being a little…
The Big Surprise … wait for it…
So about mid-October, I got another wild hair… I convinced Emily that Dad only turns 80 once, and since he does seem pretty sure that France is as far away as the moon, it would be special to surprise him for his birthday – and while we were at it, we could celebrate Thanksgiving, her birthday, Christmas and Chris’s birthday.…
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may…
A book I am reading began with a short passage that resonated with me: We receive and we lose, and we must try to achieve gratitude; and with that gratitude to embrace with whole hearts whatever of life that remains after the losses. Andre Dubus II, Broken Vessels I see Em and Chris’s move to France as their gift to…
Lessons in Refuge Living
So on my third day here, we set out on our first adventure – a two night hiking trip to one of the many remote mountain refuges. Being a newbie, I had much to learn about refuge living. I chose the Refuge de Loriaz for our adventure. Loriaz has been in its current site since the 1600’s, and the current…
Skidding to the finish line…
This year, the flight gods decided it would be fun to throw in an obstacle to challenge my perfect record as Crew Chief. I planned this trip for a whole month – which is about 28 days longer than I usually plan trips for, so I was ready! Since Emily and Chris moved to France about six weeks ago –…